Thursday, 31 May 2007


Hi Everyone

Busy day of packing etc. Harry in a state of mania! Ferry leaves at 11.30pm so a few hours to wait lol. Car breakdown stuff didnt come in post which was a bit annoying but at least the euros have arrived. Packing for the dogs, Jackson has just stolen half a loaf of tiger bread so he his in the "doghouse". I just pray he behaves at the dog sitters! Have just cut Julians hair so he looks reasonably presentable for the trip.The only other concern is the weather but hey I cannot do anything about that.

Will take lots of pics for you , look after yourselves Louise.

PS If anyone watches the apprentice please keep me informed what happens next week!!

Sunday, 27 May 2007



I have been a bit fed up of late with various things, today I spend a long time reading the most inspirational journal of a cancer sufferer called I shaved my legs for this ( I am so inept I can't leave a link). This has put alot of things into perspective for me. I have been soooo annoyed with Husband for starting smoking again after 5 months of giving up. It has not been the easiest of times as those of you who smoke will know!! I was so disappointed in him and I know thats not a nice thing to say. I so want him to stop which he did for 5 years after Harry was born . As he tells me I do not understand how hard it is. Maybe not but after seeing his mother die of cancer and his sister surviving a brain tumour again all odds I really can't understand. His father can walk no more than 5m before heaving for breathe with emphaseamia and they are or were all heavy smokers. Still today I realised being nasty and making horrible comments is not going to help, what will I havent worked out yet lol. I know hes not doing it to spite me or annoy me and I am sure he feels worse about it that I do. I know I must not dwell on the small stuff and concentrate on what is really important....those that love and need you.

This is not my normal sort of entry I know as I find it hard to open up but reading that journal has made me really think.

Anyway back to trivia, Holiday is looming and the weather is looking not so good so fingers crossed for a bit of sun towards the end of the week please. The dogs are soaked today and keep shaking water all over the kitchen. Jackson is in disgrace today for catching a Partridge..don't tell the local gamekeeper please! Rory has been in bed most of the day after going clubbing until 4am...oh to be young again. Harry is rediscovering Wii sports after loosing it for a couple of months in the place that used to be known as his bedroom floor!!!!

Have a good week all

Love Louise xx

Friday, 25 May 2007


Hi All

Well I have finished work for 2 weeks and I cant wait.

Today a work friend and I went to visit a couple of patients who have had to move into sheltered accomodation. They were really pleased to see us which was nice then we went for lunch which was also nice!

Harry has been accepted to go on the skiing trip so I had better start economising! Will start looking on ebay for skiwear.

Took some pictures of the bees on the ceanotheus bush this morning but they didnt come out very well , will have to try again. There seem to be thousands of them buzzing away out there. Rory is off to see Pirates of the Carib part 3 tonight and we are jealous!

Think I may have to make this blog more exciting as I dont seem to have many readers.....what shall I do? Its hard for me to say anything too personal as I am not really like that and I cant say much about work due to confidentuality so it makes it a bit difficult so I will have to have a think.

Anyway got to cook H some tea and feed the dogs

Have a good weekend   LOuise

Sunday, 20 May 2007


Hi All

Hope this finds you all well.

Harry has finished his SATS , he said they went well!! He got a great report not a bad thing in it. It said he was a wonderful young man, who was kind to all and never had a bad word to say about anyone! Also that he was always ready for a friendly chat! He has always liked a chat ever since he was a baby!!

Think I am liking my new glasses now. Have not been all that well this week am on antibiotics for a kidney infection but feel alot better now, can now venture to 10m from a loo instead of 5m! I will not go into too much gruesome details in case you have just had your tea! The things us women have to deal with!

Had some bad news this week about Mums friend, the one we helped move. She has been really poorly and needed to go to hospital. He had to go to a nursing home , because as I mentioned he lost both his legs, Anyway her stomach swelled rapidly and it transpires she has advanced ovarian cancer. I had to pick her husband up and take him to the hospital so she could tell him. It was not a nice thing to have to do. He took it very well under the circumstances. They are both at home for the time being and carers are coming in to help. It is such a sad thing to happen, after the awful year they have had. All we can do is help as much as we can as they have no children of their own.

On a good note I have found a dog sitter for when we go to Holland. She has taken the pair of them out for a walk to see how she got on and all was well. I am having nightmares about some of JACKSONS antisocial behavior, I have tried to been honest about his habits but I fear she may need councilling after our return!!! We have brought him a halti collar and it has turned him into a new dog whilst if only I could stop his recycling habits in the night.

Only 11 days until we go to Holland. Harry is getting excited about scuba diving and wall climbing. I am getting worried about the ferry crossing I hope its not rough.

Anyway tomorrow is another week, the girl at work who I am not all that keen on is leaving, so we are looking for a replacement. I hope they find someone with some experience or else I will have to do alot of extra hours BOO HOO.

Thats all from me, I am going to have a sit down and digest the roast lamb I have eaten far too much of!

Louise xx

Friday, 11 May 2007


Hi All

Got my new specs today...not sure if I like them yet! Had to wait ages to get them fitted. Got absolutely drenched twice whilst in town and of course I had no brolly.Met Rory for lunch which was nice.

Party went really well, noone had to sit on the floor and I got £48 commission, so I got a bracelet, a scarf , a necklace and a bag!! Several people booked partys too so \I get a % of their sales too!! All the carrot cake went I'm afraid but I will make another one especially for anyone who reads my journal (exciting as it is!).

Last night I went bowling with work....a bonding exercise! Three of the doctors headed the teams....ours came last! My back was twingeing all night but I still managed a couple of strikes. The food was a bit naff but it always is in those places. It was a good laugh though.

Julian is working all weekend and I am working in the morning so we wont be up to much. Harry should be revising hard for his SATS next week.

Have a good weekend all

Love Louise

Tuesday, 8 May 2007


Hello everyone.

Today I am busy cooking and cleaning (BOO), as tonight I am having a jewellry party and I think I may have over invited! I dont think I have enough chairs, Oh well I am sure some wont mind sitting on the floor! I have made a carrot cake and a chocolate brownie cake, I hope thats enough. I am going to banish the dogs to the garden so am praying it doesnt rain (may have to banish husband out there too). Harry is going to be my waiter!

Husband is really struggling with his giving up smoking, I know it sounds awful but a part of me wishes hed never given up in the first place, he has been quite difficult to live with at times. I am not sure if its the giving up or the tablets he took to help him. Oh well I will just keep quiet as I know from past experience nagging does not help!!

Nothing else to report, I do have a boring life even Jackson is quiet at the moment but I must not speak too soon. Have read several books last week, The Girls.....OK but drags on a bit. The Memory Keepers Daughter.....excellent really enjoyed this very thought provoking. Walking Ollie....Ok for a quick read about life with a rescue dog.

Oh well the hoover is calling!! Have a good week folks

Louise xx

Tuesday, 1 May 2007


Hi All

All is quiet here apart from the sound of me sniffing and sneezing with hayfever. I may have to take a tablet! Am going into Bury St Edmunds today to meet Rory for lunch and he is going to help me choose some new glasses. Its hard getting them by yourself especially when you cant see!!He is still enjoying working in the bank and \i really cant see him leaving to go to uni , still so long as hes happy I only hope he doesnt regret it in years to come.

Harry came in from school the other day with "good news and bad news". The good news is theres a skiing trip next year at school, the bad news is hes told everyone we can't afford it!!! Thanks very much Harry!!I must admit it is quite expensive but as I told him I am sure you can pay in installments! Will I be able to let my baby go away for a week I wonder, it doesnt seem to bother him.

Cant think of much other news to tell you, the Police are looking into my complaint about "The Rave", they must think I am a right old busy body! Helped some friends of my Mums move on Saturday, which was quite sad for them. He unfortunatley had diabetic complications which has meant he has had to have both legs amputated below the knee, she is also unwell too. They moved into an adapted bungalow just over the road from their old house, still its surprising how much stuff is accumulated over 50 years of marriage. They have no children but have always treated my brother and myself (and our children) as part of their family so it was a pleasure to help them, I only hope they get on OK.

I dont think I have said much about my family have I? My father died very suddenly 5 years OK which was a big shock. I have two brothers both younger than me , one of which is mentally handicapped. He still lives with my Mum and we try to help with him as much as possible. It does make my mothers life very hard though especially as she suffers from arthritis in her knees quite badly. Julian has a large family , he has 5 brothers and sisters, so in total Harry and Rory have 12 cousins at last count.

Well thats enough of our family tree for today. Am going to get dresses, take out J and S in th sunshine and go off shopping. Have a great week folks  Louise