Hi All
Sorry for lack of entry, I sure you have all missed the latest installments of my exciting life.
Have felt ill for over a week now with some "virus", last weekend I lost my voice totally and have had the worst sore throat ever, now I have an irritating cough which makes me choke...too much info I know! Also I could sleep for England.
Rory has done half of his Pass Plus driving exam today which entailed driving down to the M25, I have panic attacks thinking about that road! Anyway he passed that so hes pretty pleased.
I think I told mentioned my Mums best friend who was ill, sadly she passed away so we have had her funeral etc to attend to, my Mum is pretty down at the moment so we are taking her away in August on a mini cruise to Holland and Belgium...all inclusive so I had better so on a radical diet before that! Both boys are coming too and we are really looking forward to it.
Last night we had a team building game of rounders at one of my bosses house, luckily the rain stopped for the evening and we had great fun and lots of nice food.Our team lost!
Boys went to see Rise of the Silver Surfer which Harry loved and he was so chuffed that hes got a big brother to drive him to the cinema now!
Husband is moaning about the smoking ban thinks the next step is rounding smokers up and putting them in concentration camps! I think its a good idea personally but I can see his point too.
Well have a good weekend hope it stays at least a bit dry for you
Love Louise xx